MVCI – Modular Vehicle Communications Interface

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MVCI – Modular Vehicle Communications Interface (MVCI) is an interface box used to connect to a vehicle’s data link connector (DLC). The MVCI is used to read information from a vehicle’s electronic control units, and send this information to a PC application. The MVCI communicates with the PC through a USB, Ethernet, or a wireless SDIO card.
The PC application software sends commands to the MVCI to read diagnostic trouble codes, read data from the vehicle’s ECUs, or do special device control tests on the vehicle.
The MVCI is typically used in an automotive service garage.
It is used in and around the vehicle, including thepassenger compartment and/or the engine compartment. Read and understand the Safety Precautions section of this User Guide before using the MVCI on a vehicle.
Connect the MVCI to the PC through one of the methods presented above. See the MVCI Software Installation section of this User Guide to determine the best connection method, and install the appropriate software for the MVCI to function correctly.
Connect the MVCI to the DLC to communicate with the vehicle. See Connecting to the Vehicle section of this User Guide for additional information. The MVCI requires power from the vehicle to operate properly.
The MVCI contains two (2) rechargeable NiMH AA batteries. These batteries are charged whenever power is applied to the MVCI through the vehicle DLC. The internal batteries may also be recharged by supplying power to the MVCI
from the Power Adapter Port. Use the supplied AC Power Adapter (SPX replacement P/N H547571) only.
If the batteries need to be replaced, replace them with 2000mAh NiMH AA batteries (SPX replacement P/N H550175).
See the MVCI Component Descriptions section of this User Guide for battery location information. Make sure the batteries are oriented properly when installing.

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