SW Flex Nexus MPC5xxx SLAVE
With this FLEX SW package, the user may work on all supported protocols for TCUs in OBD and Bench mode.
MAGIC MOTORSPORT FLS0.4S Software Authorization Activation W Flex Nexus MPC5xxx Slave – Software
SW Flex Nexus MPC5xxx SLAVE
The Master version tool has no limitations in the file format.
The Slave version tool works only on encrypted files.
For the Slave user it will not be possible to have access to the contents of the files and therefore modify them, as they will be in an encrypted format. In order to make any type of change, the Slave user must contact his reference Master, who will be the only one who can encrypt and decrypt the files. The Slave user must necessarily have a reference, Master.
Once the reference Master has been identified, the Slave user will be linked exclusively to that Master for any operation that requires file modification.